Catch up with Eoin
I’m Hiring!
New year, new you? Come work in Dáil Éireann! I’m hiring for 2 staff roles in Leinster House (an Administrative Assistant and a Parliamentary Assistant – both job descriptions below), as part of building a strong office team for constituency and parliamentary work on behalf of the people of Dublin Bay South. See more below!…
Thank you Dublin Bay South!
In the honour of my life, granted to me by the people of the constituency of Dublin Bay South, I was elected to Dáil Eireann yesterday surrounded by family, friends, and Social Democrats who formed my all-volunteer campaign team. I can’t actually express my profound gratitude for every vote and ounce of support I received.…
Check out my leaflet here!
Today marks the last full day of campaigning before we go to the polls, and I honestly can’t believe it! It’s been a crazy time for me and my team of amazing volunteers, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have had this opportunity to continue to represent the great people of Dublin. If you’re…